Ahadeeth of the prophet program

Categories: Ahadeeth
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Ahadeeth of the prophet program $112 – 8 Hours  – 2 sessions a week – 60 min each

In this program, the student learns 42 hadiths of prophet Muhammad (ASW) collected by Imam al-Nawawi) May Allah have mercy on him). Some of the lessons of learning these Ahadeeth include :

1-The student will learn the importance of sincere worship to God Almighty, understanding that only actions performed with sincerity for His sake are accepted.

  • 2-They will gain knowledge of the five pillars of Islam, including the declaration of faith (Shahada), the importance of prayer, zakat (charity), fasting, and Hajj (pilgrimage).
  • 3-The course covers the branches of faith (Iman), including the meanings of excellence (Ihsan), belief in destiny (Qadar), and the fundamental question of human free will versus predestination.
  • 4-Students will explore the stages of human creation and understand the varying ranks of individuals based on their adherence to the principles of Islam, Iman (faith), and Ihsan.
  • 5-They will learn the importance of following the Prophet’s teachings, avoiding innovations that contradict the religion, distinguishing between what is permissible and prohibited.
  • 6-The student will understand that religion is built upon sincere advice, which should be delivered kindly and gently, as taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • 7- The student learns that the importance of religion is summarized in modesty to Allah, steadfastness on the path of Allah, remembrance of Allah, and fear of people’s injustice.
  • 8-Lastly, the student will be introduced to the rights of fellow Muslims and neighbors, along with a set of prophetic morals, the details of which will be explored throughout the course.
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What Will You Learn?

  • General Objective of the Program :
  • The esteemed Imam ( An-nawawi ) included 42 hadiths in this collection, covering essential aspects of religion such as its fundamentals, branches, jihad, asceticism, and ethics. Each hadith represents a fundamental principle of the true faith. All of these hadiths are authentic and presented in a manner that facilitates memorization, ensuring that the seeker of knowledge can easily benefit from them.

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